Trinity College grounds on a beautiful sunny day

News & Stories

There's always something happening at Trinity College - stay up-to-date with our latest news and stories.

Also keep an eye on our events for current students, staff, alumni & friends of Trinity College and the general public.

10 Nov 2011

Theological School Deacons' Day

On Friday 4 November, Trinity College Theological School held a Deacons' Day for last year’s students, who are all soon to be priested in the Anglican Church.

Category: Learning

26 Oct 2011

Congratulations, Trevor!

Congratulations to a long-term Trinity part-time casual employee and friend, Trevor Bradley, who was recently recognised for 50 years of service at the University of Melbourne, especially for his work with graduations.

Category: About

21 Oct 2011

Trinity welcomes esteemed Visiting Scholars

The College is delighted to welcome two prestigious Visiting Scholars from the United States: Roy Neel, Chief of Staff for former Vice President Al Gore, and his wife, Jenny Clad, attorney and Executive Director of Gore’s Climate Project.

Category: Learning

14 Oct 2011

Trinity Dean's insights into CS Lewis

Trinity College Theological School's knowledgeable Faculty provide insight into topical and societal issues.

Category: Learning

05 Oct 2011

Trinity celebrates World Animal Day

On Wednesday 5 October, Trinity College will celebrate World Animal Day and St Francis’ Day with a Blessing of the Animals service, held on the Trinity Bulpadock.

Category: About

04 Oct 2011

Northern Territory Adventures

In September, two groups of Trinity College students set off on adventures to rural Australia to experience life in the outback and interact with different communities.

Category: Learning

27 Sep 2011

Trinity welcomes Nobel Laureate

On Monday 26 September, Trinity College, the University of Melbourne, welcomed Laureate Professor Bert Sakmann (Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry) as a Visiting Scholar.

Category: People

23 Sep 2011

New Testament Scholars Unite for eConference

Dean of the Theological School, the Revd Dr Dorothy Lee, recently presented a seminar on Matthew’s Gospel as part of an eConference run by the Roman Catholic Broken Bay Diocese, Sydney.

Category: Theological School

13 Sep 2011

Trinity Tomorrow - plant a tree for the future

The Bulpadock is a central part of life at Trinity – take this chance to leave your legacy on the Bul for the future.

Category: Supporting

09 Sep 2011

Trinity celebrates the life of Sir Paul Reeves

On Sunday 4 September, Trinity College celebrated the life and ministry of The Rt Revd and the Hon Sir Paul Reeves, who died on 14 August, soon after being diagnosed with cancer.

Category: About

29 Aug 2011

Trinity welcomes new Fellows

The Hon. Keith John Austin Asche, AC, KStJ, QC (TC 1946) and Mr Robert Champion de Crespigny AC (TC 1969) were formally acknowledged as new Fellows of Trinity College at an Evensong service held in the Trinity College Chapel on Sunday 28 August.

Category: People

25 Aug 2011

Young Leaders Winter School 2011

Trinity College was abuzz with activity in July with the Trinity Institute Young Leaders Winter School attracting more than 170 high school students from Australia and around the world.

Category: Learning

22 Aug 2011

Trinity adds to Art Collection

Professor Robin Sharwood AM, former Warden of Trinity College (1965–73), has recently gifted significant etchings to the College’s Art Collection.

Category: About

11 Aug 2011

Trinity Dean to present Barry Marshall Memorial Lecture

On Wednesday 17 August, Trinity College Theological School is celebrating Barry Marshall’s life and ministry at Trinity, with the 41st Barry Marshall Memorial Eucharist and Lecture.

Category: Learning

08 Aug 2011

Trinity's Chapel Art

For many years, a circular oil painting in a highly ornate gilt frame of Raphael’s Madonna della seggiola – the Madonna of the Chair – has graced the Chapel walls.

Category: About

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