Trinity College grounds on a beautiful sunny day

News & Stories

There's always something happening at Trinity College - stay up-to-date with our latest news and stories.

Also keep an eye on our events for current students, staff, alumni & friends of Trinity College and the general public.

18 Aug 2022

Q&A with Trinity Chaplain Luke Hopkins

Father Luke Hopkins took on Trinity's chaplaincy role in 2022. Here he shares his path to becoming ordained and how he serves our community.

Category: Theological School

12 Aug 2022

Who was Barry Marshall?

On 6 September 2022 we will be holding the annual Barry Marshall theology lecture. The event, which includes a memorial eucharist and lecture, is held near the anniversary of Barry’s death and attracts an eminent speaker in theology each year. But who exactly was Barry Marshall?

Category: Theological School

30 Jun 2022

Dorothy Lee's vision for the next 175 years of the Melbourne diocese

The Revd Canon Professor Dorothy Lee, Trinity College's Stewart Research Professor of New Testament, says we must rediscover worship and proclaim God’s unfailing love.

Category: Theological School

02 Jun 2022

What is the relationship between the ‘one’ Anglican Church and the angry contradictions within it?

Those within the Anglican Church of Australia don’t always see eye to eye, but the Revd Professor Mark Lindsay asks: how can we fully flourish in our diversity if we don’t even agree on the basis of our oneness?

Category: Theological School

01 Apr 2022

Meet our new Theological School student president: Malcolm Tadgell

New Theological School president, Malcolm Tadgell, speaks of his involvement in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, his student-orientated approach to his new role with Trinity, and the multifaceted experiences of students.

Category: Theological School

16 Mar 2022

Meet our Theological School’s visiting scholar, Dr Richard Ascough

From 15 March to 30 April, Professor Richard S Ascough, Professor of Religious Studies at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, will be a visiting scholar in residence at Trinity College Theological School.

Category: Theological School

28 Feb 2022

Russell Goulbourne: the University of Melbourne Dean’s path to ordination

The Revd Professor Russell Goulbourne felt a possible calling to ordained ministry in his late teens, but it wasn’t until he had an established career as a university faculty Dean and found himself unexpectedly in a new country that his calling was realised.

Category: Theological School

24 Feb 2022

Your chance to walk in the footsteps of Jesus: Holy Land tour June 2022

This year we are hosting a pilgrimage and study tour of the Holy Land and you have the chance to join us.

Category: Theological School

02 Feb 2022

From refugee camp to Bishop: the inspiring story of Jacob Deng Garang Akech

Deng Garang Akech Kuch (later to be known as Jacob) started believing in God because he could see no other way of surviving. Now, he can’t believe how far his faith has taken him.

Category: Theological School

31 Jan 2022

How did early Christianity deal with pleasure?

Janette Gray scholarship recipient and PhD student Julia Thwaites shares why she traded a career in visual arts to pursue theological study, and the reason she chose to examine the intersection between pleasure, sin and repression.

Category: Theological School

13 Jan 2022

What is beauty? And how does it relate to creation? Laura is on a mission to find out.

For Laura Cerbus, there’s something magnetic about ‘Trinity’. She attended Trinity Secondary School, then Trinity School for Ministry, both in Pennsylvania, and is now commencing the next step of her study journey at Trinity College Theological School in Melbourne, looking into the complexity of ‘beauty’.

Category: Theological School

15 Dec 2021

It hasn't been (and often still isn't) easy for women in the church: Colleen O'Reilly reflects

Trinity College’s outgoing Chaplain, the Revd Canon Dr Colleen O’Reilly AM, highlights the past – and ongoing – struggle of women in the church.

Category: Theological School

07 Dec 2021

Looking back on 2021: Theological School

Our Theological School's student president Xeverie Swee provides a reflection on the year.

Category: Theological School

28 Sep 2021

Keep your friends close but your enemies closer: Navigating religious love and enmity

'Us' and the 'other'; neighbours and enemies. The Revd Dr Chris Porter considers how we know who to love and how to love them.

Category: Theological School

13 Sep 2021

IHEA welcomes University of Divinity as a new member

Independent Higher Education Australia (IHEA) has welcomed the University of Divinity to its membership base. Trinity College Theological School offers accredited courses through the University of Divinity.

Category: Theological School

Displaying results 16-30 (of 83)
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