
Trinity College campus

There's always something happening at Trinity College - keep an eye on our busy events calendar, which includes events for current students, staff, alumni & friends of Trinity College and the general public. Also stay up-to-date with our latest news & stories.

Event photos can be found on Trinity College's Facebook page and via My Trinity Connect. Videos can be viewed on our YouTube channel.

Trinity College Choir: Tenebrae

Trinity College invites you to this year’s Tenebrae in the College Chapel.

Seniors' Lunch

Catch up with your College friends at the annual Seniors’ Lunch.

Trinity College Choir: Sunday Evensongs

Trinity College invites you to this year’s Tenebrae in the College Chapel.

Biennial Barry Marshall Lecture

Join us for the Biennial Barry Marshall Memorial Lecture, presented by The Rt Revd Dr Susan Bell, Bishop of the Diocese of Niagara (Canada).